Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Odd Socks

It's a nice comfortable place of warm memories for some, and not so much with others. I guess it all depends on your perspective. For me, it's a place where I can relax a bit. I don't have to be “on” in a way. I can be goofy, completely unprofessional, moody, and my socks don't have to match. I love socks. I always wear socks, but they rarely match. It's to the point of if I see a matching pair it's a genuine surprise! That might annoy you, I used to be annoyed with things like that too. Now I just get annoyed with things like off centered handles on IKEA cabinets lol. I would get so very frustrated because, “Goodness, can't I just have ONE matching pair!?” thinking it's just wrong for them not to match. Well I actually can not pin down the that “pivotal moment” that I got a clue to let it go. It's pretty small in the grand scheme of life. It's become a thing that no one pays attention to now anyway. Everyone knows that Mom's socks never (rarely) match. One day I was outside and my neighbor asked me,
“So what's up with the socks?” 
I was stumped for a moment and looked now to see my socks didn't match. I laughed and was a little embarrassed as it caught me off guard. I brushed it off saying, “Oh, my socks never match!” We both laughed and continued to chat. Honestly it's just because it's easier for me not to match than to waste time searching the house for matches. The more I'd search to more annoyed I got and who needs Mom mad because she can't find matching socks?! Is that lazy? No it's priorities, and letting go of the small stuff so we can tackle bigger things like not stepping on LEGOS. lol Oh and the solution to my problem is to match them when they are done in the dryer right!? Sounds simple. I yet to do it. So I'll be rocking the odd socks. I've come to actually like oddly paired socks.

So what's a thing that you used to get annoyed with and now it doesn't bother you as much?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Dreaded Picture Day.

Today was picture day. As a parent I thoroughly enjoyed watching them go through this. I was able to sit back and laugh about how awkward it is to have your picture taken for the school year book. I hated those days. I could never smile right. I still can't but hey I'm not the one in the yearbooks these days. I'm just that awkward parent on the side smiling so proudly. My kiddos don't really have this issue. They are pretty photogenic and get it right the first couple of photos. Oh, I guess I should pop something in this blog about homeschoolers having picture day too... Yep we do picture day and yearbooks too. :)
I saw the emails coming through before the day and wondered if I should make my kids do it. Yes! Why not! I had to! This year my 4 year old got to take her first official school picture. She was so precious. Her older siblings were so googly about it just as much as I was. The littlest cub got to have her picture taken too. They have a section in the yearbook for babies and toddlers even though they aren't in school yet. It was so cute. One little one even had his pacifier and sippy cup with him! Any how the older ones were gushing about the little ones and I was having a ball with all of them. As the photographer snapped great looking professional photos I caught my favorite kind. The offbeat moments just before or afterwards. My oldest ended up taking her glasses off because of the glare. Man I thought we got the anti glare coating on those. Jipped! The littlest one didn't know what to do but once she got it she even showed her brother where to stand.  My son's expression to me was priceless. Now of course these are not their official yearbook photos. These are how they feel about them. - Awkward.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

She's 2...

We have a birthday tradition in our home. Before Daddy goes to work everyone gets up for a mini birthday celebration. It's the first thing we see coming downstairs. It's a sweet welcome into your new year in our family. We spend all night preparing for your morning. Mainly because we have to wait until they go to bed. You wake up to cards, presents, cake or cupcakes, blowing out candles to a happy birthday song and Granny and Grandad ring from England. Then the rest of the day is spent however it's desired. For Fia we think it will be Monkey Joe's before dinner. One thing's for sure, we thank God for each member of our family.

Today our sweet little Quirky Fia has turned 2. This little kiddo came into our lives and turned it on it's side, and it's still spinning like an unpredictable wobbly top. No complaints for sorrow for our rockin house. It's fun. She's such a goofy unpredictable kid. I believe God started with a smile when creating her. Even if she is giving us a hard time, we laugh at her funny antics when the day is done. One of the great things about her is her love language is touch. She cuddles and snuggles like no one else. It's been 2 great years of unpredictable Fia. To many more! Happy Birthday littlest cub!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sand In My Office!

Well I'm trying my best to work on a few things. Last night was a very odd night. The little ones were up all but 1.5 minutes last night. Ok maybe 2 minutes... I have no idea why they were up but it's making for an odd day. They are very needy and we are feeling depleted. My husband wants to watch his favorite team lose again (haha!) and my toddlers want mommy to do everything with them and for them. I really want to focus on my business. Not a good Sunday mix. So I say move. Lets move it on the balcony. There is a pool we turned into a sandbox they can play in. It's sandbox or nap time. Of course... there is sand in my office now.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today in Art...

It's been years since I've sat down and seriously sketched something out. I've measured it by how old my kids are. Let's just say it's been too long. I used to draw all the time. It was my thing. I enjoyed it so much. Funny thing is I didn't take an art class until my Sophomore year. I was afraid. I would watch my sister draw and wish I could be like her. I finally mustered up the nerve. I did good enough to go from my first year in Art I to Art III the following year. I wanted my same teacher and she signed off on me being in her class. Ms. Heathington's class was my favorite class. I found myself mingling with more seniors! Something funny was always going on it that class. I would always start out with, "Today in Art..." so it became a running joke. "Today in Art..." Art has played such a big role in my life. It's what I do I guess. My path in life had a few travelers on it that crowded out my creative drawing spark. I put the pencil down and lost hope in drawing. I saw talent that I felt that was superior to mine. I felt too embarrassed to even pick up a pencil. I went on to get my degree in graphic design field. Ah Ha! My creative flow was still there. I have a love for graphic design and photography but my heart longs to draw and paint. I want to do something other than wear out the power button on my laptop. So here is my idea. I ran across this site
 The Sketchbook Project and I'm super excited to participate. I ordered mine and it came in the mail today. 
So... *ahem* 

"Today in Art... I'm going to start on my sketchbook for the 2014 Sketchbook Project Tour."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Real Life is Happening... Now.

This is a bit of my real life. Just a little moment in the day. Little Joy was in the playroom. I aligned her stuffed toys to show her how to put a show on for her dolls. She really needed something to do. I was desperate and decided to hurry this little discover along and show her. She's a bit of a serious kid and thought I was strange until I showed her and she took control. *Whew!* I walked across the hall to the laundry room to see that it was a mess. Yes I walked right passed it. That is a chore on the kids list of things to do for the day. 2 loads a day. Its been skipped for a few days... or more. I headed upstairs to hear my little sweet quirky one in the powder room. She was insisting that she needed her little hands washed. She did not fall because after I took that picture, I helped her with the soap, wash and dry. Then she insisted she needed to use the Elmo potty. She isn't potty training but you know some battles aren't worth fighting. While I heard little Joy yelling umm singing at the top of her lungs I sat my little sweet quirky one on the Elmo potty. She was there for a split second before she escape down stairs without a diaper to join her sister. I thought well ok let me see who's chore laundry was for the day and then I heard..."Mommy!!! She peeeeeeeed!" *sigh* This is real life. It's happening now. I'm honored to be in their world trying to figure out which way traffic is flowing. Life is hectic, but life is good. It's naptime!